Infinity Terrain

Check out our articles and helpful links about considerations for planning your Infinity Terrain table layout - & browse our products designed for compatibility with the game.

  • Infinity terrain table viewed from overhead.

    New Kermanshah Outskirts: Winning Best Infinity Terrain Table the Burn City Brawl Tournament

    Infinity players often go to great lengths to make unique narrative themes for their table.
    Read Hugh's article on his table's theme & concept, and how he made his layout is logical and playable for ITS tournament. Hugh even won Best Infinity Table at Burn City Brawl!

    Check out Hugh's Best Table winning article 
  • winter themed infinity wargaming terrain

    Winter Urban Infinity Terrain Table Design & Review

    Guest blog & terrain review by Kevin from Loss of Lieutenant - an Infinity Podcast. Learn some great tips on what to consider when making an Infinity table.

    Read Infinity Terrain Review 
  • Learn advanced slap-chop painting tips for Infinity miniatures.

    Here's a great tutorial by Tom Boele, a great local Sydney painter and Infinity player. Paint quickly and like a pro!

    Learn Infinity miniature painting tips 
  • 28mm terrain sci fi base with miniatures at night

    Infinity Terrain Comission

    Brutal Cities was commissioned to design & paint terrain to a local players requirements. This resulted in Infinity terrain that nests for storage, plays well for N4, and nests for storage. It also launched our unique Fadelight material, and the Trapper Biotech range of 28mm sci-fi terrain.

    Read about the Trapper Biotech Infinity Terrain design process here 

New Player or returning player?

Infinity Resources

Infinity Australia Events

Check out Infinity the Game ITS and events in Australia! You can submit your own event or promote your local Infinity Group here too.

cyberpunk city terrain with large office tower

Real Urban Scale

If you're tired of uniform, suburban scale 'Sci-fi' tables and you want your terrain to represent a real gritty urban centre we've got you covered. The modular Bruteopolis plaza tower comes in different versions, with and a playable Infinity Objective room base!

Shop Bruteopolis Plaza Tower -Objective Room
sunshine alley interior easy access wargaming terrain

Acessible Terrain & Playable Interiors

The Infinity rules set has comprehensive rules for fierce combat within buildings. If you want to play Interiors, but you're sick of stacking 2 or 3 levels of terrain on top of each other (Which can be fiddly in tournaments) these designs are for you.
Simply remove the rear wall!

Impressive buildings designed with playability in mind let you play interiors without the usual hassle.

Set these up in deployment zones for making asymmetrical table sides. One of the great aspects designed into Infinity is forcing players to make important tactical decisions.

Explore Easy Access Kits

Modular Terrain that Nests for Storage!

Now that N4 grants cover from height, you don't need parapets on every building! Our nesting Trapper Biotech terrain collection allows you to freely stack your terrain in endless ways.
Plus you've never seen boxes so stylish and Sci-fi, thanks for our translucent Fadelight material!

Trapper Biotech Modular Terrain
cyberpunk terrain signs

Infinity terrain that's quick to build and paint.

Build your dream cyberpunk table - I quit my architecture job after being dissapointed with the lack of variety and urban terrain available for gamers. Simple forms with iconic silhouettes, inspired by Brutalist architecture provide an awesome setting to your urban firefights. Add interest with cyberpunk signs to block LOS, scatter terrain for that lived in feeling (And for poor, power-armourless fusilier Angus to hide behind)

Build your dream city

Shop Infinity Terrain

Browse our range of designs suitable for use as Infinity Terrain. Check out our brutalist inspired MDF terrain models designed for playablity and ease of construction.

Sci-fi wargaming & Infinity terrain featured by:

The Infinity Gamer

52 Miniatures

1000's of orders shipped

Read our customers reviews!

infinity tournament terrain

Not sure what your project needs?

Wargaming Terrain Sci fi Inspiration Gallery

Check out Brutal Cities terrain in real world customer builds as well as my fun atmospheric photoshoots!

View terrain ideas gallery

It's a rewarding hobby!

New to MDF terrain?

Don't worry! We have great tips and paint and product recommendations to help you - and you can always ask me for advice!

Learn handy hobby tips now

Infinity MDF Terrain: Upgrade Your Wargaming Experience

Embark on a journey to the cutting edge of tabletop gaming with Brutal Cities, where our stunning Infinity MDF terrain brings your futuristic battles to life. Designed with precision and passion, our terrain pieces bring design innovation to your Infinity gaming experience. Whether you're a seasoned commander or new to the Infinity universe, our terrain is your gateway to endless possibilities.

6mm Terrain Sci-Fi

With Brutal Cities, the future of tabletop gaming is here. Our Infinity terrain offers the perfect blend of form and function, designed to enhance your gaming experience at every level. Designed by an experienced Infinity player with a background in architectureour Infinity MDF terrain can bring your battles to life like never before.

Infinity Terrain MDF: Crafting Excellence

I was introduced to Infinity by a friend and fell in love with the game and the awesome terrain and table setups the game requires. But I felt like terrain options were really limited to hex tropes and a whole bunch of terrain that looked the same. After working in architecture for 5 years, I decided to leave my job to bring unique designs to the community.
I want to offer Infinity players the best terrain. I actually started Brutal Cities once I was introduced to the game by a friend. I quickly fell in love with the fantastic terrain possibilities and gameplay

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What makes Infinity MDF Terrain from Brutal Cities unique?

Our terrain pieces are meticulously architecturally designed and crafted with a keen eye for detail and the best quality laser available. Our stylish terrain designs capture the essence of the Infinity universe while being clean for ITS gameplay. We are the only terrain business with the excellent futuristic translucent Fadelight material - It’s durable, great to light up with LED’s and makes your city truly sci-fi!

Are these terrains compatible with the Infinity wargame system?

Absolutely! Infinity is the main game I play and our Infinity MDF Terrain collections are designed with the game"s mechanics in mind, ensuring seamless integration with your Infinity battles.

What materials are used in crafting these terrains?

We use high-quality Australian made MDF (Medium-Density Fibreboard) for crafting our terrain. It ensures durability and detailed precision in every piece.

How can I order Infinity MDF Terrain from Brutal Cities?

Ordering is easy: simply visit our MDF Terrains collection, choose your preferred scale, and add your desired terrains to the cart. Then, follow the intuitive checkout process to complete your purchase.

floating research station terrain with platforms and connecting bridges

Infinity The Game Australia mates! Submit your Infinity event using the google form to signal boost it here.

To help promote the game we all love, I have set up a semi-automated event listing system. This will create an Infinity event listing here

If you are running an Infinity ITS tournament or games day, or even want to promote your local group that plays in your club or FLGS, feel free to promote it here.

Just enter your event in the google form below and I shall post it for you.

After all, not everyone is on zuccbook! (Feel free to link to this page on discord etc too)

I also love to sponsor events, but I need to get the manufacturing side of Brutal Cities up to scratch before I can really do that again.

So in the meantime, I can at least share event info here :)
- Ryan

Submit yout Infinity Australia event