Collection: Trapper Biotech - 28mm Terrain Sci Fi

The Trapper Biotech range includes the premium, well lit laboratories, private university classrooms and offices for the more public, progressive side of Trapper Biotech. The main shareholder is Obliquity Holdings, who have been pushing for greater returns. This new direction has led to the Genesis arm of the biotech giant - darker, more nefarious experiments are now undertaken in the former storage buildings of the biotech firm.

The trapper biotech range dawned the Fadelight translucent glazing for cyberpunk and sci-fi miniature games. If you want a more grimdark, necromunda terrain look, the Genesis modules are both economical and great as modular terrain - both types nest for easy storage!


Barbenheimer terrain - half grimdark, half utopian 28mm terrain sci fi table
night themed 28mm sci-fi wargaming table terrain

shortlisted as best terrain - 2022

Trapper Biotech - Fadelight Modules were shortlisted as best terrain 2022 by On Table Top! Read about the Fadelight terrain design in the blog post here

Read about the Fadelight Terrain modules

28mm Sci fi terrain - works with games up to 35mm scale!

choose between the utopian fadelight or the utilitarian genesis modules

Check out the blog for more terrain inspiration and to see how the Trapper Biotech terrain will make your tournament games easier - all while being easy to make and paint!

Read Blog

save space with the nesting design

Both Fadelight and Genesis versions of the Trapper Biotech terrain modules pack up to save you space and make packup easy!