Trapper Biotech - 28mm Terrain Sci Fi inspiration & Infinity Tournament recap
Ryan JShare
Barbenheimer - 28mm Terrain Sci fi table
Just after listing the new Trapper Biotech - Genesis Modules terrain (scroll to the bottom if you want to learn more about the design) on the website I came up with the idea for a Barbenheimer wargaming table to take to the Infinity Tournament last weekend. I think it was a pretty fun concept and a bunch of players enjoyed playing on it! It was a good way to show off the ways you can use the new terrain for different themes.
At that point I hadn’t seen Oppenheimer yet, but I enjoyed Barbie (I have now seen Oppenheimer at the Imax, which I really enjoyed!). Anyway, the table concept was to position the always useful Adamant Concrete walls (and gates, including some ruined wall sections) to divide the table down the middle - to create two distinct, highly contrasting themes on one table!
One half of the table was the ‘Barbie’ themed district, with some LED lights set to max pink saturation and power, and the other half was the Oppenheimer side - more grimdark and derelict, with sewerage and ample weathering for the Genesis Modules.
The Barbie side had some Sylvanian families and other mere children's toys (our miniatures are NOT toys!! Are they?!) You can see the liberal application of graffiti decals and dead trees to set the mood.
Nice and clean over here - and pandas live there!
Less clean over here!
Burn City Brawl - Infinity Tournament recap
Brutal Cities sponsored and also played in Burn City Brawl, an Infinity tournament in Melbourne. Being rusty as can be (I think my last games were at Cancon in January!) the first day I had some fun games - but played terribly and lost the first two, drew the third.
That evening at the pub, someone reminded me that assisted fire was a thing (for non Infinity players, that's using a support Hacker to enable other robots to shoot better, ignoring cover). I had not used the main strength of my list at all! By the end of the event, I had warmed up a bit, with a 5-3, then 10-2 game to finish it off.
I played a new player at the end, but he had played a fair bit this year and it showed. I had to really work for that win and we both had a great game. He actually won best sports which was well deserved. It was one of the most corpse-strewn games, with a brutal fight down my left flank.
I came 27/48 - I am very happy with that, considering my total lack of preparation (running the Brutal Cities terrain factory solo and designing new kits keeps me pretty busy!)
There were a bunch of Brutal Cities tables and terrain, here are a few for inspiration!
Infinity Terrain Inspiration
Here is the Barbenheimer table I brought to the tournament. Unfortunately the lights were not recharged and they died in an hour or so. The walls were positioned to break up the long fire lane and allow objectives in the middle.
Here was the other Brutal Cities table. The walls again were very useful to break up line of sight.
Here was Kevin's table - one of the organisers. He did a write up for this Infinity Winter terrain table design here if you want to read on
Here was Hugh's table - He has also done a great write up about his infinity table layout . He was a contender for best table - but he had already won it so wasn't allowed! He's an avid fan of Brutalist architecture, and I grudged him round 1. He deservedly won, a fun game a great opponent!
I played against Hugh on this table using my OSS - I had my LT hiding in the safe room in the Infinity Systems Data Centre building (blue on the left). Hugh also ran OSS, but wisely didn't use the Marut. I didn't run that list again haha. It's much better in Vanilla Aleph, where it synergises with myrmidons smoke grenades (it can shoot through smoke).
Prizes! I won some Yu Jing Long Ya - I want to go back to my favourite faction after playing Aleph and OSS for a few years.
Trapper Biotech - 28mm Terrain Sci fi comparison
For players contributing a full table of terrain at wargaming tournaments, the sheer weight or physical bulk of multiple miniature buildings can be awkward. The Genesis Modules uses the same modular nesting design of the Trapper Biotech - Fadelight version and has a lighter frame of 1.8mm for easy transport, when compared to plastic or 3mm MDF terrain.
While the Trapper Genesis Modules omit the stylish translucent window features, this range stands on its own by being adaptive to fit both futuristic sci-fi tabletop games, such as Infinity and Star Wars: Legion to grimdark classics like Necromunda.
Gamers can choose from a range of size options, or pick up the Trapper Biotech Genesis bundle which includes extra LOS blocking and scatter terrain with the Adamant Walls & Gates, Modular Capsule Housing and Trapper Ducts & accessories. Being uncomplicated and lightweight, this bundle is a really economical investment for newcomers and fervent terrain hobbyists alike.
Which Trapper Biotech terrain to choose? Terrain Comparison
If you’re not sure which terrain you prefer, here’s a quick comparison between the two.
- MDF & Fadelight Plastic - unique stylish & durable terrain
- Suits high-tech sci-fi, modern & cyberpunk settings, have the look of a research lab or corporate campus (very contemporary architecture, like something from HBO’s Westworld)
- More premium option - has more wall openings and uses Fadelight plastic - Shortlisted as best terrain 2022 by On Table Tabletop!
- Lightweight 1.8mm MDF (Cheaper shipping and easier to transport) ✅
- Nesting design ✅
- Removable Ladders & Roofs ✅
- Suits 28 - 35mm ✅
- Looks amazing lit up from inside ✅
- Simple tournament friendly design ✅

- All MDF
- Spartan - could easily be a barracks, storage or an an abandoned outpost - works for grimdark settings like Necromunda
- Budget friendly option - pure MDF without natural light- reduce your insurance premium for your illegal operation
- Lightweight 1.8mm MDF (Cheaper shipping and easier to transport) ✅
- Nesting design ✅
- Removable Ladders & Roofs ✅
- Suits 28 - 35mm ✅
- More common aesthetic
- Simple tournament friendly design ✅
I brought 2 tables to Burn City Brawl (which is an Infinity tournament in Melbourne) and I managed it all in three two smaller plastic tubs and one large one. In the past I think I’ve taken up to 5 tubs! And, the Trapper Biotech modules all fit into just one of the smaller tubs!
The terrain was well received too, some players complimented the new terrain (And even bought some there!)
If you like this terrain you can save with the Trapper Biotech - Genesis | Terrain Bundle. It will help you fill out a 4x4 table - the kits make a great outpost town.
What do you think of the new designs? Please let me know in the comments!
All the best,