HTML sitemap
- Woodland Scenics Foam Tack Glue 12 Fl Oz
- Woodland Scenics Turquoise Water Tint
- Woodland Scenics Gray Medium Ballast
- Ammo Paint Brick Dust Pigment 35ml
- Ammo Paint Medium Rust Pigment 35ml
- Ammo Paint Light Dust Pigment 35ml
- Ammo Paint Pigment Fixer 35ml
- Ammo Paint Dioramas And Scenic Brush Set
- Ammo Paint Ochre Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Earth Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Dark Brown Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Red Primer Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Rust Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Dark Mud Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Dark Green Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Field Green Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Olive Green Oilbrusher
- Ammo Paint Concrete Texture 250ml
- Ammo Paint Asphalt Texture 250ml
- Ammo Paint Rust Streakingbrusher
- Ammo Paint Grime Streakingbrusher
- Ammo Paint Cold Dirty Grey Streakingbrusher
- Woodland Scenics Gray Ballast (bag)
- Greener Thumb Bundle
- Trapper Biotech Bundle
- Cable/Pen Brackets Gubbins
- Green Thumb Bundle
- Industrial Bridges
- Obliquity Holdings HQ
- Trapper Street Furniture
- Trapper Ducts
- Trapper Biotech Modules Square
- Trapper Biotech Modules L
- Trapper Biotech Modules M
- Trapper Biotech Modules S
- Sci-fi/Modern Greenhouses
- Bruteopolis Plaza Tower - Fadelight Module
- Obliquity Holdings - Upper Module
- Obliquity Holdings - Objective Room
- Eternity Lab/Hex Bridges Short
- Hex Platform & Landing Pad
- Hex Platforms Terrain
- MDF Forest Terrain Bases (40mm)
- Bulb Storage Rack
- Sewerage Treatment Plant
- Zap Adhesive-A-Gap Ca+ 1/4 Oz (Grn) Pacer
- Badger Stynylrez 4Oz / 120Ml Black Primer
- Badger Stynylrez 4Oz / 120Ml Grey Primer
- Badger Stynylrez 4Oz / 120Ml White Primer
- Woodland Scenics Deep Pour Water Murky
- Woodland Scenics Deep Pour Water Clear
- Modern Ruins
- Woodland Scenics Earth Blend Fine Turf
- Woodland Scenics Olive Drab Water Undercoast
- Woodland Scenics Olive Drab Water Tint
- Woodland Scenics Surface Water - Water Ripples
- Woodland Scenics Realistic Water 16 Oz
- Woodland Scenics Shelf Ready Rocks
- Infinity Smoke/Blast Template
- Woodland Scenics Tree Armatures
- Accessories
- Adamant range
- All Hobby Essentials
- All Products
- Best Sellers
- Birthday Specials
- Brutal Cities New Releases
- Brutal Cities Products
- Bruteopolis 28-32mm Modern & Sci-fi Terrain
- Bundles
- Easy Access Kits
- Fadelight Range
- Fadelight Terrain
- Featured Products
- Gift Cards
- Glues and Adhesives
- Paintbrushes
- Popular MDF Sci-fi Terrain
- Primers
- Scatter Terrain
- Sci-fi Gubbins and Greebles Sale
- Static Grass & Flock
- Trees and Foliage Terrain
- Water Terrain
- Weathering Pigments
- Weathering Pigments and Paint
- Wild In the Streets Miniatures
- Woodland Scenics
- Zona Alfa - Exclusion Zone Terrain
Blog Posts
- Want Brutal Cities terrain but you're in the EU? IOSS now available!
- Ash Waste Terrain - Post-Apocalypse Modular Wargaming Scenery
- The Fadelight Tale - a sci-fi terrain table of years in the making!
- New Kermanshah Outskirts, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying (and won best infinity table)
- Zona Alfa BatRep
- Woodland Scenics Model Trees & Foliage Tabletop Terrain Guide
- Now Stocking 28-35mm Modern Ruins Terrain and Woodland Scenics Scenery
- Smashbash Miniature Conversion Competition 2022 Entries and winners!
- The Problem with Smoke Templates in Infinity the Game - And a Solution!
- Painting Concrete Wargaming Terrain Tutorial Part 1: Without an Airbrush
- Zona Alfa MDF Terrain / Ukraine Fundraiser
- Smashbash 2022 Competiton + Now Stocking Wild In The Streets Miniatures
- Wargaming Terrain News - Gift Cards // New Equipment // 15mm Terrain Range // Cancon // End of Year
- Brutal Cities Table Review / Burn City Brawl Infinity Tournament Announcement
- Bruteopolis Wave 4 - Design Notes + Black Friday Sale 25/11/2021
- New Kits Coming Soon + 52 Miniatures Collaboration video
- We're shipping to the UK!
- Bruteopolis Plaza Tower MDF Review
- Terrain Painting Competition Entries and Brutal Cities 1st Birthday Sale On Now!
- Brutal Cities Terrain Painting Competition - Submit entries by 31st March
- Brexit & Brutal Cities
- Hobby Habits - Tips to stay motivated on your terrain or miniatures
- How to Weather and Create Rust Effects for Terrain
- How to weather terrain with oil paints and pin washes tutorial
- Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi Tabletop Terrain Poster Files

Work in progress .stl terrain design
I've been wanting to design 3d printable terrain for you guys for a while.
But as I was also making and fulfilling MDF orders, I didn't have much time.
Pictured here is a brutalist inspired terrain concept I whipped up in about half an hour, for epic scale miniature games.
As always, I want to make sure that I'm providing you with great products. I'll run a 3d Printing Terrain survey soon to get your input.