Blue Wolf Infinity TAG Conversion
Ryan JShare
I needed a new TAG (Tactical Armoured Gear) for my Infinity Yu Jing army I took to Burn City Brawl in Melbourne last weekend. But the TAG design was a bit too cute for my favourite infinity faction.
So that means...Kitbash time!
Infinity may be metal, but with patience you can kitbash. If I had some jewelers sawblades it would have been easier, but trusty clippers, some time and a good file can do the job too.
Can you guess what parts I used for this conversion?
The Blue Wolf Conversion
First I clipped and filed off the head and wolverine claws.
After un-furrifying it with the file, I made the head.
Some of the miniature parts for kitbashing
The head was a mashup of a:
- 3rd/4th Ed Plastic Space marine apothecary
- Imperial guard binoculars
- greenstuff
A Horus Heresy Siege terminator missile launcher was added to a team yankee soviet mineplough.
Chaos space marine arm cables were cut to fit the TAG.

Painting with Chipping Fluids

My Armored Core mech was the inspiration for the colour scheme
I love rust, so chipping fluid is a fun way to get realistic effects. After rusty brown basecoat, I applied the chipping fluid, then sprayed white.

2 coats of Nuln Oil followed by one coat of Drakenhof Nightshade make a good black...But it was a bit too dark to see much of the chipping.

And after details, gundam decals etc - voilia! This picture is from Burn City Brawl last weekend - I was very rusty and foolishly left him in the middle of the the table. First turn. He died.

What do you guys think? I'll post the Burn City Brawl Tournament summary soon!
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