Smashbash Miniature Conversion Competition 2022 Entries and winners!
Ryan JShare
Featured image by @witchhammerstudio - they will receive some upcoming Brutal Cities kits shortly!
Hey everyone! If you haven't seen, the lovely fella @totally_not_panicking has put on another great annual smash-bash modelling competition. I was lucky enough to have Brutal Cities be a sponsor and I've donated some new kits as prizes! Keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming new kits.
Thanks everyone who entered and helped out!
Head on over to Smashbash.org to check out the great entries.
There are several categories of modelling, attracting many hobbyists of the Warhammer grimdark inclination - and converters who love making amazing minis and dioramas. Very inspirational, hopefully I will be able to enter myself next year. The categories were:
Napoleon Complex
In this category, we’re focused on raising up the best, small, individual, kit bashed miniature. Show us your most awesome gruesome general or slavish Renfield. Unveil your best beast with a tentacle for an arm and a head made of smoke.
Grimdark Warhammer conversion gothic fish in a cage by @weird_Witticism
Middle Children
In this category, we’re looking for your medium-sizer: best, tank, space horror, wyvern or squad. Show us your most awesome rusted relic or coffin liche. Unleash your small swarm or gibbering flesh pile. Grimdark monster miniature by @itswhatevan
Titanic Terror
Our third category is all about setting a scene that steals our breaths and makes us steel ourselves for the impending doom it portrays. Here we will lift up those creators whose scenes and titanic creations make us feel like we are in the midst of battle or rescue; who create dynamic, jaw dropping, and fully immersive scenes of multiple minis and tons of terrain. or creators who make soul crushing singular miniatures that defy comprehension.
Grimdark Warhammer Diorama by Life in the Ruins @lifeintheruins
First competition? Feeling hesitant about entering one of the other categories? This one’s for you! Bring the grimmest model you can muster. Try out a new technique, spend that time on the pile of guts or fancy shoulder pad. Bring your best, and see what competition is all about

Space Marine 40k Smashbash entry by @grimmybusiness
It was honestly so hard to pick even the top 5 of each miniature category! Which were your favourites? There are more entrants and winners posted over at @totally_not_panicking - as we wanted to spread the love around!