cancon 2025 & brutal cities news
Brutal Cities is returning to the nation’s capital for Cancon 2025! Our stall will be open across the full three days (so long as we have stock after the first couple of days!) so if you’re planning on attending, please drop in and say hi.
cancon 2025 - tabletop wargaming convention
location: exhibtion park (epic), canberra - bundawang pavillon
dates: 25-27th january

We’ll have a limited selection at the stall as we have only just started making terrain again, but you’ll find our most loved and popular kits available.
Yes, this includes the Bruteopolis Plaza Tower which has been out of stock for a long while! By the way, if you’ve been eyeing the Brutalist Library or the new 3D-printed Vantann and don’t have a printer of your own, we’ll have a few ready-made available to pick up there.
As of today, I've made a bunch of NEW 28-35mm terrain, which will also be available!

The urban scatter terrain launch includes the ubiquitous Kiosk-type substations and some 3D printed wheelie bins, which every Australian cherishes.
This is my second year attending as a trader, and I’ll miss competing in the Infinity Tournament, but I’m really looking forward to catching up with fellow traders like TableTopTech, Slave2Gaming, and The War Library - make sure to check them out too!
cancon specials
It's been crazy busy with our BFCM sale, then moving all the equipment, setting it up again, and then coming straight to Cancon - so apologies that I don't have all the info ready yet, but we will have some daily specials available at the stall - so come say hi and get some goodies for your table!
workshop update
With the festivities out of the way and a stronger, cooler air conditioner equipped, we’re back to fully operational! Of course, we will be absent over the Cancon run - orders will be fulfilled after Cancon, in Feburary.
The laser is operational and I’m slowly chipping away at the recent orders. Please bear with me as I use 1000hz of focused light to cut through the backlog of jobs.
Speaking of which...
trotec speedy 100 laser engraver for sale
- Trotec Speedy 100 - 2017 model, 60w - 610 x 305mm bed size
- Reliable machine for a small business that is after a high-quality machine.
Recently serviced by Trotec. Currently under extended warranty, regularly serviced by Trotec. Extended warranty transferable with the Trotec protection plan, if you wish to continue warranty.
- Laser tube was recently replaced by Trotec - firing at 60 watts.
- Comes with Trotec Atmos cube filter - so that you can laser engrave indoors, with activated charcoal
JB-175 Centrifugal Blower (If you want to vent externally) - I vent externally through a custom made 600 x 600 colorbond filter box (more economical when cutting MDF than the smaller atmos bag filter) (filter box available separately)
- Applications for this product: Laser engrave, mark or cut multiple products including but not limited to plastics, acrylic, wood, textiles, paper, food, and metals (only engraving or cutting) Even at highest speeds the Speedy 100 delivers engraving and cutting quality beyond compare due to seamless teamwork between a reliable laser source, most precise mechanics and comprehensive software.
- Comes with 2x honeycomb beds (So you can keep it running while you clean one)
- Asking price of $13,987
If you're interested, please flick me an email.
I also have a bunch of tools, ducting, shelving, shrink wrap machine available - and potentially materials.
Buyer arranges freight if shipped, otherwise pickup in Manlyvale, NSW
Cancon map below